Tool Nut Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals
We truly appreciate you shopping with The Tool Nut! We value your business. If this is your first purchase, we look forward to establishing a long-lasting relationship as your one-stop source for tools, equipment, and accessories. Our service is our secret weapon. If you’ve shopped with us before, then we’d just like to say thank you once again for your patronage.
Keep an eye on our website for the newest tools from the top brands and don’t ever hesitate to email or call us! Before, during and after the sale, we’re here to answer any and all questions.
The Tool Nut has been owned and operated by the family since it’s inception in 1994. Boasting over 10,000 sq ft, and expanding, The Tool Nut has become a nationally renowned contractor and woodworker supply outfit known for their outstanding and unwavering customer support, breadth of product selection and next-level product knowledge.