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My name is William and I am half (probably the better half…lol) of the duo that operates I wanted to introduce myself to our VistaVapors, Inc. family and personally extend my wholehearted appreciation to every single one of you who have supported us in becoming one of the leading “go to” sites for your e-juice needs. I also aspire to get to know you as I share a little about me and my motivation for starting VistaVapors. We look forward to your stories of how and why you began using e-cigs, whether it was to aid in smoking cessation, like me, or a first time recreational thing which turned into a passion.
So, here’s a brief summary of my story. I was a smoker for over 18 years… It was not something I was proud of because I wanted to be a positive example to my family and friends, especially a good role model for my children. I was on a mission to quit. So over the years, I tried a variety of things…Hypnosis, the patch, medicine, gum, cold turkey…all were unsuccessful. I was ready to “give up on giving up”, when I discovered vaping…I tried it and loved it. Although I at first was skeptical and hesitant of totally quitting, I knew the potential was there for the first time in my life! So, I spent the next 4 months evaluating lots of e-juices, assessing tons of equipment and spending A LOT of money before arriving at a comfortable and acceptable position of no longer “needing” a traditional cigarette.
I became so passionate about vaping and what it had done for me that I wanted everyone to know about it. During this process I was challenged with the question of “what is in e-juice”. Thus my journey began with countless nights of online research, talking to people in the industry, studying reports & doctors’ findings, and meeting with scientists. I was fascinated and excited about what I was learning, not only the huge cost savings, but more importantly, the elimination of many chemicals. At this point I remember thinking I needed to find a way to sell the best & most affordable e-juice in America, and thus my journey began which ultimately lead me to partnering with David and starting VistaVapors, Inc.